Thursday, December 26, 2019

Persuasive Essay About Homeless - 1005 Words

Have you ever lost something? How about losing everything? Imagine you have everything you truly need, you have good food, water, clothes and happiness. Your joy is beyonf, lifes exactly where you would like it. Your truly happy. Suddenly, everything comes crashing down. Your income of money has depleted. Its gone. You lost your job. You arent able to sustain your family. Your source of water, food and clothes is at the last drop of usage. Your happiness is still there, flickering but dim. Then, you have to do the one thing you promised yourself you would never do. All of yoyr hardwork, all of your savings put into buying your beautiful house. Then you have to give it up like that. Its gone. You now have nowhere to go. Pehaps, with your†¦show more content†¦Homeless people did not. That choice was made for them. If you give money to someone who is need of it they will use it to buy food, water, clothes and perhaps they may be a little bit happier. But, if you give money to s omeone who is addicted to drugs, they will just buy the drugs and be happy for perhaps one hour, and then they will be back to moping around, panhandling, stealing peoples food, urinating on sidewalks and simply harassing people. Another problem is the fact that true homeless people arent on the streets harassing people and panhandling. They realize that the crackheads are the ones pandhandling and they dont want to make themselves be considered equal to the drug users. They dont want to involve themselves with people like that especially if the true homeless people have kids. Remember, homeless people had homes once too, and they think the exact same way you do, they just have a situation that required them to lose all of there possesions and happines. Where do homeless people go? A lot of them hide, hide from the aggresssive drug users. How can we be aware of the actual homeless people if they hide. We cant really become aware because we cant see the actual homeless people. Not only that, advertisements have gone out bringing awareness to people that real homeless people arent panhandling, only drug users are. Homeless kids still have to go to school, so what do the parents do, they hopefully, try and get jobs and earn money and saveShow MoreRelatedDumpster Diving Lars Eighner Analysis1280 Words   |  6 Pagespublished in 1993. It is a memoir of his experience being homeless. Eighner uses the appeal of ethos the most prominently in his book to prove he is credible, followed by an appeal to logos by applying logic and pathos using stories. According to the essay, â€Å"The Appeals: Ethos, Pathos, and Logos†, the audience is persuaded on, â€Å"Our perception of a speaker or writer’s character influences.† Also known as ethos. Eighner’s most noticeable persuasive appeal is ethos. 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Ascher is able to illustrate that compassion is something that has to be taught because of the adversity at people’s heels by including tone, persuasive appeals, and the mode of comparing and contrast in her essay, â€Å"On Compassion.† The tone of Ascher’s essay can best be described as thoughtful and reflective. Ascher is able to achieve this tone in her quote, â€Å"He wears a stained blanket pulled down to his gray, bushy eyebrows† (Ascher 47). AscherRead MoreRhetorical Analysis Of Steve Jobs Commencement Speech929 Words   |  4 Pagesat their Commencement. The rhetor is trying to establish a peer to peer relationships between the graduates and himself. The assumption about the graduates that the Rhetor seems to make is: graduates we are not so different, if I can you can. The genre chosen by this rhetor is a personal essay, befitting of someone as charismatic as Steve Jobs. A personal essay is an emotional experience for a rhetor and the audience. The success in crafting a story capable of capturing and captivating an audience

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Causes and Effects of The Great Depression in the United...

The Great Depression is a defining moment in time for not only American, but world history. This was a time that caused political, economical, and social unrest. Not only did the Great Depression cause a world wide panic, it also caused a world wide crisis unlike any before it. This paper will analyze both the causes and the effects of the Great Depression in the United States of America. One cause of the depression is the effects of World War One. World War one had many devastating effects on countries all across the globe. In the United States millions of lives were lost to the war, as well as huge amounts of money that had been used to fund the war. All across the globe vast destruction of property was found. This in turn caused a†¦show more content†¦The quote, â€Å"Economists still agree that Smoot-Hawley and the ensuing tariff wars were highly counterproductive and contributed to the depth and length of the global Depression† ( events/speech/bernanke20130325a.htm) shows that the Americans original plan of protecting their own businesses only hindered them. Another cause of the depression was the lack of prosperity for many groups, and the lack of spending that soon resulted from this. In the early 1920s we know that the United States had a high prosperity. What is less known is that not everyone was sharing the good times. Immigrants from most countries, including those in Africa and Mexico, were sharing the same poor treatment as the Aboriginals in the United States. These groups were not doing well socially or economically and had low paying jobs. Many Americans simply could not afford to pay for many goods, and this created a massive reduction in purchasing. Factory workers suffered greatly from the reduction in purchasing; many factories had no need to keep the high levels of production going, and were forced to fire many employees. More workers still lost their jobs to machinery that could be used to the employers advantage to reduce the spending on wages. People now found themselves unemployed and unable to pay for their items previously purchased throughShow MoreRelatedThe Causes of Canadas Great Depression of 1929-1939 Essay1679 Words   |  7 Pagesclosest to him heard. â€Å"It’s all gone.†# The term ‘Great Depression’ according to Kristin Brennan evokes black-and-white images of thin men in threadbare suits and worn-out shoes selling five-cent apples on city streets, of â€Å"grim-faced women lined up three deep to collect bread and milk at relief stations.†# The Great Depression of the 1930s was a devastating time toward many Canadians, where the collapse of the stock market was the beginning of the Depression, a period of severe economic and social hardshipRead MoreThe Real Causes of the Depression1020 Words   |  5 PagesStatistics show right now in the United States the unemployment rate is high. 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Even though people are taught about the Great Depression, I personally think that a lot of people do not understand the severity that it caused and the livelihoods that it forever changed. The Great Depression, which lasted over a period of ten years, resulted in a lot of heartache for many nations worldwide (Fraser, 2010). As for the United States, the worst of the Great Depression harbored between 1929Read MoreThe Cause and Effects of the Great De pression Essay1443 Words   |  6 Pagescrash of 1929 was the main cause of The Great Depression. In fact, The Great Depression was caused by a series of factors, and the effects of the depression were felt for many years after the stock market crash of 1929. By looking at the stock market crash of 1929, bank failures, reduction of purchasing, American economic policy with Europe, and drought conditions, it becomes apparent that The Great Depression was caused by more than just the stock market crash. The effects were detrimental beyond theRead More The Great Depression Essay1716 Words   |  7 Pagesat least heard of the Great Depression that hit America by storm in the early twentieth century. Even though people are taught about the Great Depression, I personally think that a lot of people do not understand the severity that it caused and the livelihoods that it forever changed. The Great Depression, which lasted over a period of ten years, resulted in a lot of heartache for man y nations worldwide (Fraser, 2010). As for the United States, the worst of the Great Depression harbored between 1929Read MoreEssay on Stock Market Crash as the Cause of the Great Depression1211 Words   |  5 PagesWhat Was the Exact Cause Of The Great Depression? The United States Great Depression leads many people to believe different stories about what actually caused it. The Stock Market Crash in October of 1929 is often referred to as the beginning of the Great Depression, but did it actually cause it? 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Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Accounting Standard & Regulations for ASX Firm - myassignmenthelp

Question: Discuss about theAccounting Standard Regulations for ASX Listed Firms. Answer: Introduction The present report presents the major accounting issues need to be considered by Myer Holdings Ltd, an ASX listed firm in the development of its general purpose financial report. The major area of the concern in this context is to develop a report for the CFO as an accounting graduate of the company for consideration of impairment of assets. The AASB 136 standard represents amendment in the current reporting standard regarding assets impairment that applies to annual reporting periods beginning on or after 1 July 2009 but before 1 January 2010. The reduce disclosure requirements as per the AASB 136 requires business corporations to ensure that its assets are not carried at more than its recoverable amount (Bond, Govendir and Wells, 2016). The report has addressed the processes, information and flexibility required by businesses for determining asset impairments with reference to Myer. Outlining the Evidence Determining the Necessity of Impairment Testing of Assets In Relation to Myer The AASB 136 amendment adopts IAS 36 impairment of assets standard as developed by the IASB. As analyzed from the data flow of the company, the evidence gathered in relation to necessity for asset impairment is as follows: Asset Flow: It can be stated from the data analysis of the company that asset amount in all its stores is either uniform or has demonstrated an increasing trend. It has been observed that none asset presents a declining trend over the last financial year in all its stores and therefore there is no signal of asset impairment. Asset Amount: it has been analyzed from the asset base that its net assets have not undergone major changes and all are contributing equally towards its overall assets indicating no asset impairment. Turnover of Assets: As analyzed from the financial figures of asset turnover ratio of the company, there is no asset impairment as the ratio is relatively same over the past few years (Myer Holdings Limited 2016 Annual Report, 2016). Outlining the processes required to be addressed in determining any asset impairments by Myer The goodwill recognized by the company on acquiring Myer business amounts to $349.5 million have been allocated to each of the cash generating units of the group as depicted from its consolidated financial statements. As per the AASB 136 Impairment of Assets standard, the goodwill and intangible assets with unpredictable useful life of a business entity need to be tested on an annual basis for impairment. The asset impairment for these assets has been tested by the Group through the adoption of use discounted cash flow model. This model is based on using the cash flow estimates of the group for the five year term. The cash flows generated beyond the period of five years are extrapolated through the use of a terminal growth rate. The model is based on utilizing the following assumptions: Discount or pre-tax rate at 14.4% Terminal growth rate at 2.5% Gross operating profit margin at 39.5% The management on the basis of the model has tested the asset impairment if any exists. The management has concluded that increase in the value of future cash flows over the net carrying values of assets of CGUs there is no alteration in the key assumptions adopted. As such, there is no possible reason for carrying value of CGU to exceed from the asset recoverable amount. The review of net carrying value of asset in the group store was carried out for identifying the asset impairment. The recoverable amount of assets in stores was estimated through discounted cash flow model and the major assumptions were found to be in consistency with those mentioned above. Thus, on the basis of sensitivity analysis of the key assumptions, it can be said that there is no asset impairment at Myers stores (Myer Holdings Limited 2016 Annual Report, 2016). Information required in determining asset impairments The IAS 36 accounting standard is developed for carrying out impairment testing of all tangible and intangible assets. As per the standard, all assets need to test that they are within the impairments scope when there is indication of any impairment. The impairment testing of goodwill and intangible assets need to be carried about annually (Hussey, 2010). The major information needed for determination of asset impairments by Myer Holdings can be depicted through the following diagram: The information required by the Group on the basis of above diagram can be described as follows: The asset impairment test is initiated through estimating its recoverable amount or of the CGU whenever there is any indication that a particular asset is impaired The recoverable amount of goodwill and intangible assets with unpredictable useful lives need to be assessed annually without considering the fact there is an indication of impairment or not In the case of identification of an exceed in the carrying amount of asset over the recoverable amount, the particular asset or CGU is impaired The recoverable amount if an asset can be regarded as the value in use of a particular asset. The value in use is the present value of expected future cash flows to be realized from an asset or a CGU (Collings, 2015). In determining the profit or loss of an asset carried out at cost, the impaired loss is estimated to be expenditure. In the event of impaired asset to be a revalued asset, the loss of impairment is recognized against the previous revaluation gains as directed by the IAS 38 Intangible assets (Zhuang, 2016). The Group is required to provide appropriate disclosure regarding the impairment test and losses realized from impairment. The loss arising from asset impairment in the condition of its previous recognition should be reversed if there is change in estimates on the basis of its recoverable amount was determined. However, this condition is not applicable to goodwill (Impairment accounting the basics of IAS 36 Impairment of Assets, 2011). Evaluating the flexibility management available in the determination of asset impairments The Myer Holdings Ltd has adequately followed and adopted AASB 136 standard for determine the asset impairment as annoyed from its annual report. The Group has carried out the asset impairment test through the use of appropriate technique and models. The management annually reviews the carrying value if assets and level of future cash flows for identifying the existence of any impaired asset for each of its CGUs. The management incorporates the use of discounted cash flow model for estimating the asset recoverable amount in the condition of identification of any indication regarding the asset impairment. The management undertakes the sensitivity analysis of the key assumptions used in the model for identifying whether the asset impairment ahs occurred or not. Also, it the asset does not generate cash inflows, its recoverable amount is determined for the CGU to which it belongs by the management. Thus, it can be stated that management of Myer is very flexible in incorporating the requ ired methods and procedures for carrying out asset impairment test (Everingham and Kana, 2008). Conclusion Thus, it can be stated from the overall analysis of asset impairment test of Myer Holdings Ltd that impairment of assets is an not a major issue requiring to be address for the firm in the currents scenario. However, the firm is required to conduct asset impairment test at regular intervals for identifying whether there is an impaired asset. References Bond, D., Govendir, B. and Wells, P., 2016. An evaluation of asset impairments by Australian firms and whether they were impacted by AASB 136. Accounting Finance 56(1), pp.259-288. Collings, S. 2015. Interpretation and Application of UK GAAP: For Accounting Periods Commencing On or After 1 January 2015. John Wiley Sons. Everingham, G. and Kana, S. 2008. Corporate Reporting: 8th Edition. Juta and Company Ltd. Hussey, R. 2010. Fundamentals of International Financial Accounting and Reporting. World Scientific Publishing Company. Impairment accounting the basics of IAS 36 Impairment of Assets. 2011. [Online]. Available at:$FILE/Impairment_accounting_IAS_36.pdf [Accessed on: 26 August, 2017]. Myer Holdings Limited 2016 Annual Report. 2016. [Online]. Available at: [Accessed on: 26 August, 2017]. Zhuang, Z., 2016. Discussion of An evaluation of asset impairments by Australian firms and whether they were impacted by AASB 136. Accounting Finance 56(1), pp.289-294.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Occupation Investigation On Becoming A Police Officer Essays

Occupation Investigation on becoming a Police Officer I respect police officers; I always have and always will. I have always looked up to and wanted to become part of the RCMP. The position of representing the law would bring out my pride to large extents that not even I could imagine. Police officers help to protect citizens and their property, maintain public peace, prevent and detect crime. They apprehend those who break the law, process court requirements, handle traffic problems, enforce regulations, and act as agents of social change within the community to promote safer neighborhoods. In their daily work, police officers perform many duties ranging from enforcing the law and apprehending criminals, to controlling traffic and arbitrating domestic disputes. Police work does not always involve a physical act of protection or the apprehension of a lawbreaker. It also involves activities such as crime prevention activities, helping victims of crime, working with community groups to identify and solve policing problems of mutual conce rn. To add to that police officers will participate in forensic investigations, administrative work (lots and lots of paper work), and court appearances. Police officers make a "well above average" salary. Just a starting salary for a diploma program graduate averages about $19,000 a year (in 1998). However, according to the 1996 census, most Albertans in the "Police officers (Except Commissioned)" occupational group earned from $50,000 to $60,000 a year. These figures include special rates of pay for statutory holidays, overtime and court appearances during off duty hours, and pay differential for evening and night duty. Many Police Officers may work a regular five-day, forty ? hour week or a compacted (four?day) work week with twelve-hour shifts. Since police protection is a necessity one hundred percent of the time, there are better shifts to work than there are others. Officers will work in and outdoors, in all kinds of weather, and may be required to stand or walk for hours at a time. They may even have to ride in their care for an entire shift. At times, they have to use force and may have to be required to lift twenty-five kilograms in an emergency situation. A police officer is usually under constant strain. Normally working in dangerous situations (normally life threatening). They deal with domestic and public disputes, arresting lawbreakers or pursuing speeding motorists. To fill such a position you need some good personal characteristics. It would include honesty, integrity, good judgement, patients, intelligence, good observation skills and basic good humor are essential in this occupation . A police officer also needs to be physically fit, emotionally stable and responsible, able to work with all kinds of people in a variety of situations, able to use their own initiative with minimum supervision, and should be very good at working as part of a team. Because that is exactly what the RCMP is all about. A team effort in trying to protect the people. The requirements involved in becoming part of the team can vary. If you compare what you need to become a police officer to anything else that requires an education it seems minimal. This surprised me when I first read up on it. The basic requirements include a high school diploma or a related post- secondary diploma (or have no stated minimum education requirement). Someone trying to become part of the RCMP would also need some good character references. In addition, they will need Canadian citizenship or lawful admittance to Canada for permanent residence. This person also requires good typing skills, valid driver's license, and a valid first aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) certificates. The minimum application age varies from 18 to 21 years depending on the particular police service. However, the average age of new recruits is generally 26 to 27 years of age. Related post-secondary education, the ability to speak a second language and knowledge of Alberta's multi-cultu ral and volunteer communities are definite assets. It would prove to be true after all this intense training and getting educated on the matter that being a cop is truly earned by an individual. It would have to be in somebody's heart to become part of the RCMP. The desire would have to be a number one priority because you have

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Child Labor in Overseas Manufacturers essays

Child Labor in Overseas Manufacturers essays The issue of whether overseas manufacturers of U.S. products employ child labor in their factories is of great importance to marketing departments not only because the practice is abhorrent but because when exposed, such practices reflect negatively on both the company's management While most consumers around the world agree that they do not want the merchandise they purchase produced by child laborers who are underpaid and working under harsh or otherwise unacceptable conditions, companies who find that they have directly or indirectly used such child laborers can find it a difficult problem to manage. McDonald's found this out after charges that the give-away toys they use to market their "Happy Meals" to children were created by child laborers in China working under near-slavery conditions (AP, 2000). McDonald's argued that they did not know child laborers were used. They had contracted with a supplier by the name of "Simon Marketing, Ltd.," located in Hong Kong. This company passed the tasks on to "Pleasure Tech Holdings," who gave the work to "City Toys, Ltd." in mainland China (AP, 2000). When City Toys was located, underage workers explained how they got false identification documents so they could lie about their age credibly. When this information surfaced, McDonald's explained that they followed a strict code regarding child labor and that they periodically executed unannounced site inspections at the factories supplying them with manufactured goods (AP, 2000). However, many did not find this a credible explanation, because an inspection at neither Simon Marketing, Ltd. nor Pleasure Tech Holdings would have shown any manufacturing, and reporters visiting City Toys had no trouble ferreting out the problem. Toy manufacture is not the only area where third world countries sometimes employ child labor. The practice occurs in other industries ...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Google Corporation Challenges in China

Google Corporation Challenges in China The case study of china involving a powerful Google corporation is an interesting social responsibility considering their business mission declaration â€Å"Don’t Be Evil†. The biggest challenge Google has to face is the fact that china offers an enormous profitable market considering its populace. There has to be a dilemma regarding marketing and the legal, cultural or ethical challenges that may be involved.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Google Corporation Challenges in China specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Culturally the case has set up a stepping-stone for the human rights activists who seem gagged by the government’s rules and regulations. The government reminds all the companies especially those involved with the transfer of information to the outside world to ensure strict abidance with its rules. The state’s control of the cyber space may have been involved with the threats plac ed by Google forcing them to consider pulling out of its services. According to Google, sophisticated and targeted cyber attacks seem to originate from the Chinese government in their aim to preview emails of human rights activists as a security measure. The aim of the Chinese government is to try to filter some internet contents to maintain a strong grip on power. The attack also hits other companies such as Yahoo and Adobe. The ethical challenge Google has to face entails its decisions during the 2006 search engine launch regarding business undertakings in china, where it agreed the government pronouncement to censor the search engine â€Å"†. Arguably, Google played a role in enhancing conditions for the attack by giving in to the rule that encourage bullying of human rights by the government. According to the users in china, by leaving China, Google leaves its clients in a sober mood but equally, it is more painful to learn that it went against its principle of à ¢â‚¬Å"Don’t Be Evil† when it agreed to venture into China on condition of accepting censorship in 2006. The Google top executives (co-founders) Larry Page and Sergey Bin face an uphill task over deciding the way forward. They have to analyse the possibility of bleaching their terms of trade with the Chinese government, which can as well result to legal charges. If their break on the contract concerning the agreement for the government to monitor content causes internal security risks, then legal settlement regarding the matter might be inevitable. The legal risk involves braking China’s sophisticated network used to monitor and limit information through the fight for human rights of expression. (U.S. Department of State, 2010)Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More As the saying goes, one’s man meat is another’s poison†. The agony G oogle managers’ faces in today’s global market has triggered their rival’s â€Å"Baidu† speculation of the move as a hypocritical and financially driven. According to the market research companies, financially they dismiss the move claiming Google’s failure to capture the market with an estimate of 15-30 percent of the users compared to the rival’s 70 percent. Arguably, Google may be aiming at a long-term strategy, where their opportunity lost will be the short-term revenue loss in China and the opportunity cost would be better and higher market penetration than the current situation. They would not wish to lose client’s trust totally, because the future endeavours to dominate the search and mail services. Their move therefore entails gaining people’s trust regarding mails, calls, storage of documents, pictures and other files as well as the web search services. The financial disaster can only be catalysed by lose of trust and not the short-term back off to strategize. A well-calculated move is the ultimate benefit. Considering the public snub of the Chinese authorities, Google risks other key U.S. companies and the government partnership in other business involvements in China. China is a potential exporter of a wide range of manufactured good for the U.S. consumers. References U.S. Department of State, Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs, â€Å"Background Note: China,† Retrieved from

Thursday, November 21, 2019

HISTORY Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

HISTORY - Research Paper Example the paper addresses the sufferings of the African American slaves during the Middle Passage and their struggle towards freedom which showed results in the Reconstruction period. Middle Passage refers to the transfer of African slaves from the coast of West Africa, through the Atlantic sea to America for the purpose of slavery2. After the Portuguese ships first arrived on the Guinea Coast to trade gold, ivory and pepper, they also wanted slaves. In 1441, a Portuguese named Antam Goncalvez, enslaved a Berber and West African as servant and took them home to gift them to the Portuguese prince. In the following decades, Portuguese captured hundreds of Africans to Portugal and Spain for service as domestic slaves. The Portuguese, European and white Americans instead of capturing and enslaving the African people wanted to purchase them as slaves from the African traders3. Slavery was prohibited nationally and internationally and different societies have designed their own laws and customs to abolish slavery. In 1652 Rhode Island General Court passed a law to abolish slave trading, which stated â€Å"no black mankind could be forced to serve a master for longer than ten years, after which they would be free, as the manner is with English servants†4, but this was never enforced. In 1784 the Rhode island legislature enacted â€Å"Gradual Abolition Act† stated â€Å"every person born in the state after March 1 of that year would be free†5, but it could not do anything for those who born before March 1. Finally in the year 1787 the state law prohibited â€Å"residents of the state from trading in slaves, federal statutes of 1794 and 1800 barring Americans from carrying slaves to ports outside the United States, and the 1807 Congressional act abolishing the transatlantic slave trade†6. While United Sates made a small effort in banning the trade, Great Britain made a major effort towards dispatching a naval squadron to the coast of Africa and at the same time negotiating with other nations to allow inspection of vessels suspected to carry slaves7. The Civil War on April 12. 1861, was the war between the North and South Americans, which was of special interest to the slaves because this war was regarded to be the deciding factor about the issue on slaves8. By the end of the war it was roughly estimated that about 179,000 black men serves as soldier and 19,000 served as navy in the US Army. Those who couldn’t serve as soldier served as cooks, guards, nurses, scouts, surgeons, steamboat pilots, guards etc , contributing towards the war. Black women who joined the war but couldn’t serve as soldiers, served as nurses, scout and spies. Estimation shows that about 40,000 black soldiers died in the course of the war and about 30,000 died of infection and disease, contributing hugely towards the war9. Reconstruction is the effort made to reconstruct and reorganization the South â€Å"politically, economically and soci ally† after the Civil war and also reform the relation between the race throughout the nation10. In this context Freedman’s Bureau established in 1865 by the War department played a major role in relieving and reconstructing socially to bring citizenship to

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

MGR #7 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

MGR #7 - Essay Example It is evident that grace contributes to transforming us from our presumed commitment to God to a condition of delight as emphasized by Joanne. Additionally, the idea that grace is at the disposal of man to utilize in establishing a relationship with God was quite liberal. The author stresses on the use of human abilities in altering their ways. According to how the author presented her thoughts, it is noted that her book reflects her aspirations for others to reform their insights into Gods grace. She aspires that people use their abilities to change their ways God. Grace is a property of the Supreme Being demonstrated in the salvation of sinners. The Christian expectations often hold that there is an action in the relationship that exists between God and people in a way that must be seen through supernatural understandings. As much as grace is available for optional use by whoever wishes, the framework jeopardizes the salvation process as it makes Christians continuously lag behind in their spiritual

Sunday, November 17, 2019

American Dream Essay Example for Free

American Dream Essay In the literatures we have read this semester all of the characters have a dream that consists of a plan and multiple goals that sum up to the American Dream, however, there have been obstacles that sometimes hinder these American dreams. These obstacles range from internal conflict to society itself. The question is if it is possible for these characters to struggle with obstacles and overcome them to reach their dream? In â€Å"Step Children of a Nation† Isabel Gonzalez explains how the probabilities for Mexican-Americans in America during the mid 20th century for achieving the American Dream were very slim due to the obstacles that were presented by society (Gonzalez 162). Pedro Pietri details in the â€Å"Puerto Rican Obituary† the personal struggles endured by five Puerto Ricans in New York while attempting to achieve the American Dream (Pietri 212). We have no choice but to accept the standard of the United States and act in accordance with the society expectations as we see Ysreal do in Junot Diaz’ â€Å"No Face† (Diaz 417). Each character in these texts has the opportunity of success and only those who are willing to make a persistent and consistent effort will be able to achieve their dream despite their own personal struggles and the obstacles presented by society. Even though there are many obstacles to achieving this dream, it isn’t impossible for it to become a reality. The Mexican-Americans in Step Children of a nation lacked the ambition needed to achieve the American Dream. The most difficult obstacles to overcome are those presented by society. Isabel Gonzalez states what life was like for Mexican Americans trying to achieve the American Dream in the mid 20th century under poor living conditions and economic exploitation. These characters acculturated to the American lifestyle and the non citizens had the desire to become citizens. In fact they supported World War II (Leal) and Gonzalez noted that: It is a well known fact that the number of war casualties among the Mexican-American soldiers was very high in proportion to the population (Gonzalez , 163). But even after this the Anglo-Saxon society continued to discriminate and pursue segregation from their society. The Mexicans were forced to live in slums. During this time the homes these people lived in were hardly fit for animals and had no repairs in years but yet brought in income from Mexicans far beyond the value of the homes (Gonzalez , 165). They arrived in the United States believing a promise of personal economic growth (Aguilar), but instead came to live in substandard conditions with the hope of a better future for their children. Gonzalez states that industries have succeeded in keeping the Mexican the most underpaid and most oppressed worker so that they will always have a surplus of cheap labor (Gonzalez , 167). This economic exploitation caused the children to also have substandard education and health. These situations forced some of the characters to keep quiet due to fear of deportation and the reality of achieving the American Dream nearly impossible. But if these characters wouldn’t have overlooked the possibility of change and set aside their fear they would have been so much closer to achieving the American Dream. Another obstacle the characters from the texts we reviewed in class had to overcome was their own personal oppressions. In â€Å"Puerto Rican Obituary†, Pietri talks about 5 characters: Juan/ Miguel/ Milagros/ Olga/ Manuel and their daily struggles as a Nuyorican (Monthly Review Foundation) who didn’t accept the standards of the United States. These Nuyoricans were motivated to immigrate to this country by the American dream which turned into a nightmare presented as death. They were divided between two cultures and two languages. Juan/ Miguel/ Milagros/ Olga/ Manuel are attempting to live as a â€Å"gringo†. Their unfortunate situation is that as they attempt to leave behind their language they are also leaving behind their identity (Brook). And as they realize this they are torn between the dream and the nightmare. They feel overworked and underpaid. All died/ dreaming about america/ waking them up in the middle of the night/ screaming: Mira Mira/ your name is on the winning lottery ticket/ for one hundred thousand dollars (Pietri 36-41) The characters in this text believed they can achieve the American Dream by something simpler like winning the lottery. But by believing this almost impossible wish their dream becomes a nightmare which is reflected as their death. They dream of belonging to a community of â€Å"clean-cut lily-white neighborhood/ Puerto Ricanless scenes† and being â€Å"the first spics on the block† where â€Å"gringos want them lynched† (215). By not being able to accomplish this dream the â€Å"puertorriquenos† find themselves shut out of America’s economic opportunities and lifestyle, and realize that they are unemployed, living on welfare, bitter, and degraded. This situation leads to the death of their American dream along with their dignity; therefore the characters in this text do not achieve the American dream. Ysrael is a child with a disfigured face who knows all too well the difference between the nightmare and dream. He is a child that has accepted the fact that he has to wear a mask in public to be accepted in his community. He compares himself to Kaliman. Ysrael’s superpower is the power of INVISBILITY (Diaz , 418). He dreams of escaping Dominican Republic and going â€Å"up north† and has hopes that the doctor will fix him. In the end of the story Ysrael has to make sure to wear his mask when his father comes out but doesn’t have to worry when he’s around his mother. All of this symbolizes the life of an immigrant attempting to achieve the American Dream (Alford). Ysreal’s disfigured face is the life the immigrants have in their country of origin. The surgery that the doctor and the priest promise is the American Dream. The mask is the sacrifices the immigrants make by acculturating to the American society. The superpower of invisibility represents how people are obligated to put themselves out of sight from society when they do not act according to society’s expectations. When Diaz mentions that Ysrael wants to go â€Å"up north† he is referring to the United States. Also the father is stands for the American culture (where Ysrael always has to wear his mask) and the mother represents his own culture or his identity. The boys who throw rocks at him and the cleaning lady represent the obstacles the immigrants must surpass to achieve their dream. In this text Ysrael does achieve the American Dream because he has accepted the fact that he has to wear his mask in front of his father and when he goes out in public. But at the same time he does not lose his identify because those who are around him remind him of how his face became disfigured over and over again (Diaz , 419). Pietri talks about all the obstacles the characters face while attempting to achieve the American dream but if Juan/ Miguel/ Milagros/ Olga/ Manuel would have accepted the standards of society in the United States or if the Mexicans in â€Å"Step Children of a Nation† would have been more ambitious like Ysrael in â€Å"No Face† their nightmare could have converted back to the dream they immigrated to the United States for. So to answer the question if is possible for these characters to struggle with obstacles and overcome them to reach their dream the answer is only if they were all as ambitious, persistent, and committed as Ysrael. The character Ysrael did not let his disfigured face or his father hold him back from achieving his dream. Ysrael had people yell out to him â€Å"No Face† but yet he continues his path to his set goal. He was determined to be persistent and consistent in pursuing his dream. Works Cited Aguilar, Mario E. From Immigrant Ousiders to Indigenous Tribal National Identities. Web. 09 June 2011. Alford, William. Junot Diazs Drown Sex, Race and Power. 10 Feb 2005. Web. 08 June 2011. Brook, Elizabeth. Nuyroican Newness. 2010 11 May. Web. 08 June 2011. Diaz, Junot. No Face. Herencia: The Anthology of Hispanic Literature of the United States. Ed. Nicolas Kanellos. New York: Oxford Press, 2002. 417-420. Print. Gonzalez, Isabel. Step Children of a Nation. Herencia: The Anthology of Hispanic Literature of the United States. Ed. Nicolas Kanellos. New York: Oxford Press, 2002. 162-170. Print. Leal, David A. American Public Opinion. October 2005. webspace. utexas. edu. Web. 08 June 2011. Monthly Review Foundation. Monthly Review: Puerto Rican Obituary. 01 June 2004. Web. 08 June 2011. Pietri, Pedro. Puerto Rican Obituary. Herencia: The Anthology of Hispanic Literature of the United States. Ed. Nicolas Kanellos. New York: Oxford Press, 2002. 212-220. Print.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Karl Marxs The Communist Manifesto Essay -- Communist Manifesto Essays

Karl Marx's The Communist Manifesto The Communist Manifesto written by Karl Marx and Frederick Engels formulates the basic concepts of Communism. Faith and reason can be used to explain parts of this document. The Communist Manifesto has definite views dealing with faith, and along with this, religion. In the Manifesto, Marx states that religion is not needed in Communism because a society under Communism is classless. Marx uses reason to explain what will happen to society due to the materialism of the Industrial Revolution. Marx reasons how society will become classless under the rule of communism. The proletariat, defined as the lower working class, will take over the bourgeoisie, defined as the upper class, because of the difference in capital between the two classes. The two classes clash because both are consumed with wants of material items and power but only the bourgeoisie has an abundance of these two items. The proletariat then revolts to gain equality and thus society becomes classless. Faith and reaso n are themes used in the Communist Manifesto to explain the ideals and concepts of Communism. Marx perceives religion as gratuitous in communism. Marx’s reaction toward religion is quite evident in just the second sentence: "All the powers of old Europe have entered into a holy alliance to exorcise this specter [communism]; Pope and Czar, Metternich and Guizot, French Radicals and German police-spies."1 Marx sees the Pope as an enemy therefore religion must be an enemy of Marx’s. In the Manifesto, Marx even sarcastically comments on the Catholic religion by calling the lives of the Saints silly.2 This reflects some of Marx’s views on religion that he displayed in the Manifesto. He has two main reasons ... ...o to explain his ideas of religion and society. Notes 1. Marx, Karl, The Communist Manifesto. Sources from the Humanities History and Religious Studies, 37. 2. Marx, 56. 3. Marx, 40. 4. Mckown, Delos B, The Classical Marxist Critiques of Religion: Marx, Engels, Lenin, Kautsky. Belgium: Martinus Nijhoff, The Hague, 1975, 58. 5. Marx, 52. 6. Janz, Denis R, World Christianity and Marxism. Oxford, NY: Oxford University Press, 1998, 11. 7. Janz, 11 8. Heimann, Eduard, Reason and Faith in Modern Society: Liberalism, Marxism, and Democracy. Middletown, Connecticut: Wesleyan University Press, 1961, 154. 9. Miller, Alexander, The Christian Significance of Karl Marx. London: Northumberland Press, 1946, 21. 10. Marx, 40. 11. Miller, 26. 12. Miller, 27. 13. Marx, 22-23. 14. Marx, 28-29.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Mutual Insurance Company of Iowa Essay

Mutual Insurance Company of Iowa (MICI) has a major insurance office facility in Des Moines, Iowa. The MICI office facility in Des Moines is the one responsible for processing all their insurance claims for the entire nation. With this, the company is experiencing rapid growth of sales which resulted in corresponding increase in customer’s claims. However, the claiming department was unable to cope with the increasing volume of claims, which leads to the disappointment of their customers. Sally Cook, the manager of Claims Processing, suggested using a new kind of system, the JIT system. This new kind of system requires for the training of the managers and employees for them to able to be multi-skilled. JIT system also required for the restructuring of the company. If this new system will be implemented well, it will help with the current problem faced by the company and will in turn enhance production efficiency and increase customer relationships. Discussion Questions 1. Identify the attributes you would expect the Claims Processing Department at MICI to have once the new JIT system is in place. Since the company proposed that the employees should have cross-training exercises to be able to help in a variety of insurance claims processing, it will manifest that workers are flexible and are capable of working with various claims thus will result to a more efficient output by the employees. The employees who have been trained are the key success factors to the improvement of MICI with the help of the JIT system. 2. What will the restructured cell layout for claim processing in Figure 16.10 look like? Draw it. 3. What assumptions are you making about personnel and equipment in the new group technology cell layout? a. Decrease cost of labor b. Increase in assets such as equipments c. Higher utility expense d. Personnel are flexible and can handle different claim processes e. There will be specialization for each process f. Production equipment will be located in one central area g. Increase in employee training budget h. Improvement in the equipment utilization 4. How will the new JIT oriented system benefit the MICI operation? Explain. The JIT system, if installed and implemented properly, will have the benefits of the following to the MICI operation: a. The new system will reduce setup time and schedule delays since the production will be continuous. The forms will arrive and will be processed at the same day. b. Improvement in the flow of goods and services. The claim forms will be processed and cleared as soon as they arrive. c. Higher customer satisfaction. The company can offer services that can go in accordance to the demands of the customers. d. The company staff and workers will be more productive and multi-skilled since they have been trained comprehensively. e. The new system will reduce errors and defects in services since there will be quality control in the production.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Ncp for Respiratory System

CUESNURSING DIAGNOSISSCIENTIFIC EXPLANATIONPLANNINGNURSING INTERVENTIONRATIONALEEVALUATION S> O> >abnormal lung sound >decreased lung sound over affected area >cough >dyspnea >change in respiratory status >purulent sputum Ineffective airway clearance related to increased sputum production in response to respiratory infection After blank hours of nursing intervention, patient’s airway will be able to be free of secretions as evidence by eupnea and clear lung sounds after coughing. >Assess respiratory movement and use of accessory muscle gt;assess cough for effectiveness and productivity >observe sputum color, sputum amount and odor and report significant changes >auscultate lung sounds noting areas of decreased ventilation and presence of adventitious sounds >monitor pulse oximetry and ABGs >use of accessory muscle to breath indicates an abnormal increase in work of breathing >patients may have ineffective cough due to fatigue or thick tenacious tissue >a sign of infection is d iscolored sputum. An odor may be present >bronchial lung sounds commonly heared over areas of ling density or consolidation. Crackles are heared when fluid is present >hypoxemia may result from impaired gas exchange from build up of secretions. ABG’s provide data about CO2 levels in the blood >these determine the progression of disease process CUESNURSING DIAGNOSISSCIENTIFIC EXPLANATIONPLANNINGNURSING INTERVENTION RATIONALE EVALUATION S> O> >abnormal lung sound >decreased lung sound over affected area >cough >dyspnea >change in respiratory status >purulent sputum Ineffective airway clearance related to increased sputum production in response to respiratory infection After blank hours of nursing intervention, patient’s airway will be able to be free of secretions as evidence by eupnea and clear lung sounds after coughing. >encourage patient to cough unless cough is frequent and non productive >use optimal positioning; encourage ambulation >assist patient with coughing, deep breathing, and splinting as necessary >maintain adequate hydration >use humidity (humidified oxygen or humidifier at bedside) >assist with pharynx suctioning as necssary gt;assist patient with use of incentive spirometer >for patients with reduced energy, pace activities >provide oral care >frequent non productive coughing can result to hypoxemia >The sitting position and splinting the abdomen promote more effective coughing by increasing abdominal pressure and diaphragmatic movement ambulation mobilizes secretion and reduces atelectasis >this improves productivity o f the cough >fluids are used by diaphoresis, fever and tachypnea and are needed to aid in the mobilization of secretions Increasing the humidity of the inspired air will loosen secretions. gt;coughing is the most helpful way to remove secretions. Nasotracheal suctioning may cause increase hypoxemia especially without hyperoxygenation before, during, and after suctioning. >incentive spirometry serves to improve deep breathing and prevent atelectasis >effective coughing is hard work and may exhaust an already compromised patient >secretions from pneumonia are usually foul tasting and smelling. Providing oral care may decrese nausea and vomiting

Friday, November 8, 2019

The Stranger and its animal na essays

The Stranger and its animal na essays Albert Camus' The Stranger starts with the death of a mother, maybe. Her son, Mersault, is unsure. He is also oblivious to the concepts of marriage, God, and repentance, as well as other institutions of society. According to social law, this is reason to execute him for a senseless murder. Mersault discovers that he is going to be tried and eventually die because of his nature and not due to the act he committed. Society is the collected human interaction and thought, and it requires that a social being worries about the afterlife, repents for its bad deeds, and mourns at one's death. However, Mersault thinks differently, and does not follow society's norms. Instead, he acts and lives like an animal. Mersault tries to survive in a society that is not suited for him. He attempts to abide by its rules, but such an animal can never be tamed. Mersault does not grasp the idea that he is an outsider and he always will be, just as society will never understand him. Mersualts' situa tion is similar to Jean-Paul Sartre' s view of the individual. He believed that one is "situated in a massive and oppressive social structure which limits and alienates his activities" (9). Mersault finds that his animal-like lifestyle and views about life contrast dangerously with the world around him. One of the main reasons Mersault was executed was because of his treatment to his mother. "Maman died today. Or yesterday maybe. I dont know" (3). Those are not the thoughts of a disillusioned son mourning his deceased mother, but of a unfeeling, beast-like character. Her death was insignificant to him, but it could not have been otherwise. In the wild, when a mother dies, its offspring does not think anything of it as long as it is old enough to get along with out her. Mersault did not need his mother anymore, and so he acts uncaring towards her death. This is why he put her away in the house, in addition to the reason that he did not ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Facts About the End of Shakespeares Life

Facts About the End of Shakespeares Life William Shakespeare, often regarded as the greatest playwright of all time,  is said to have died on April 23, 1616, which is believed to have been his 52nd birthday. The date of his death isnt certain;  the only known end-of-life documentation is a record of his burial two days later. His birth date isnt known, either, but it has been estimated based on his baptism, recorded on  April 26, 1564. When Shakespeare retired from London around 1610, he spent the last few years of his life in New Place, Stratford-upon-Avon’s largest house, which he had purchased in 1597. Stratford-upon-Avon was a market town about 100 miles west of London on the River Avon. It is believed that Shakespeare’s death occurred in this house and would have been attended by his son-in-law, Dr. John Hall, the town physician. New Place no longer stands, but the site has been preserved by the Shakespeare Birthplace Trust and is open to visitors. The Cause of Shakespeare’s Death The cause of his death is not known, but some scholars believe that he had been sick for more than a month before he died. On March 25, 1616, Shakespeare signed his dictated will with a â€Å"shaky† signature, evidence of his frailty at the time. Also, it was customary in the early 17th century to draw up a will on the deathbed, so Shakespeare must have been acutely aware that his life was coming to an end. One theory of the cause of his death arose from a diary entry written by the vicar of Stratford-upon-Avon, who noted  in 1661, many years later, that: â€Å"Shakespeare, Drayton, and Ben Jonson had a merry meeting, and it seems drank too hard; for Shakespeare died of a fever there contracted.† With Stratford-upon-Avon’s reputation in the 17th century for scandalous stories and rumors, it is difficult to authenticate this report, even if it was written by a vicar. Shakespeare’s Burial The Stratford Parish Register records Shakespeare’s burial on April 25, 1616. As a local gentleman, he was buried inside Holy Trinity Church beneath a stone slab engraved with his epitaph: Good friend, for Jesus sake forbearTo dig the dust enclosed here.Blessed be the man that spares these stones,And cursed be he that moves my bones. To this day, Holy Trinity Church remains an important place of interest for Shakespeare enthusiasts, as it marks the beginning and end of the Bard’s life. Shakespeare was baptized and buried at the church. Shakespeares Will Shakespeare  left the bulk of his possessions to his eldest daughter, Susanna, more than to his wife, Anne. Her share famously included his second-best bed, which has drawn speculation that the couple was not close. There is little evidence, however, that she had fallen out of favor. Some scholars note that the term second-best bed often refers to the marital bed, with the first-best bed reserved for guests.

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Retail Marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Retail Marketing - Essay Example Marks and Spencer made its reputation in the early 20th century by selling â€Å"British made goods† in England. The company introduced St Michael brand in 1928 which was a brand of clothes as well as foods. The company started expanding in 1957 in continental Europe and Ireland and also started selling of Asian food in the European market. The company got reputation for doing business through fair value of money and by this it got trust and brand value from its customers. The history of M&S is known as â€Å"iconic retailers of British Quality Goods†. The company started concentrating on the customers’ taste and preferences at the time of marketing myopia when other companies used to concentrate on the product quality by their won decision and choices. For this effective marketing and promotional strategies through the objective that customer is always and completely right the company got high reputation and brand image for4 its priority to the customers buying behaviour and preferences. After 1970 the company redesigned its packaging style for the food products and started selling food products by showing date of manufacturing. This was one of the important strategies of the company by which it generated huge customer base for the transparency and responsibilities to the customer in terms of ethical busi8ness practice. Since the inauguration of the penny bazaar by Michael Marks in 1984, five key principles have been followed by the company till now. These are quality, value, services, trust and innovation. The company came into Asia by opening first st5ore in Kabul in 1960. It had faced a continuous loss for a long time after 1973 in Canada and in 1999 all the 38 shops were closed due to unprofitable business. The company entered into France by opening few... This paper stresses that the company needs to promote this awareness programme as a part of solid waste positive environment. Generally the customers do not use the packets of the products and these are thrown out after taking away the goods at home. These packets can be the carry bag of per purchase of goods and also can be packets of grocery and food products. This report makes a conclusion that Marks and Spencer has experienced a long tough journey of its business from the very small start of the company. The company has been focusing and emphasised on the customers taste and preferences from its history and developed the brand present image by the trust and reputation from the customers. The company is very much popular in comparatively higher income group of people who only desire the product quality even in higher price. So, it needs to offer medium range priced products to wide its target segment of customers. This will generate more revenue and reduce the risk of competitive disadvantage. The company is very much dedicated to the society, customers, investor, supplier and the environment as these are the major contributor its success and current market share and position in the industry. If the company expand its target segment, it will be one of the leading retail companies in the world in near future in terms of revenue, social res ponsibility and customer satisfaction through efficient service provided by the company.

Friday, November 1, 2019

Rules that the baby boomers rejected Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Rules that the baby boomers rejected - Essay Example The Vietnam War was one of the costliest war in terms of resources and human loss that America has ever engaged in. Moreso, it was an unnecessary war because America does not have to engage Vietnam in conflict. American involvement in the war was not a matter of security threat but rather an ideological differences with the communist as they attempted to prevent a communist takeover of South Vietnam to contain communism. It was viewed by the Vietnamese instead as a colonial takeover instead of ideological containment and fought American soldiers. It was a costly war for America in terms of human lives and resources. Back in the United States, the war also did not have a popular support from the baby boomer dominated population. The liberal and â€Å"hippie peace† environment during that time prevailed with the milieu of Beatles song calling for love, peace and equality instead of war. Protest after protest headed and populated by the boomers ensued during the Vietnam War until the government stopped the war and suffered a humiliating loss. Another meaningful protest that the baby boomers engaged in was the counterculture protest. Counterculture was the rule at that time. As the baby boomers matured, they began to resist the consumerist suburban indulgence. In a way, it was a spiritual age as people tended to root back to the basics and essentials of life. Instead of engaging in mundane endeavors, the baby boomers called on for the â€Å"social, economic and political equality and justice for many disadvantaged groups: African-Americans, young people, women, gays and lesbians, American Indians and Hispanics† ( 2013). Without the baby boomers counterculture protest movement concept such as womens liberation, American sense of equality and justice, equal pay for equal work, non-discriminatory workplace and others socially important issues would not have prospered to be adopted by the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Explain how inflation targeting operates in the UK and Critically Essay

Explain how inflation targeting operates in the UK and Critically evaluate the benefits of inflation targeting - Essay Example Inflation is all about price stability and it has been agreed by the economist that a rate of between (0-3) percent is the good enough rate fro the economy. With stable prices at that rate, consumer confidence is raised hence propelling the economy, if the consumer confidence is lower, then the economy will be stuck (Ben 2003). Inflation can only be made success through central banks making price stability its primary objective through strong institutional commitment to attaining that. United Kingdom was not the first country to introduce the inflation instead there are countries like Canada which did it ahead of them. Many countries over time have followed suit to introduce the inflation targeting within their economies with many others looking for technical assistance to help them introduce it (Richard 2005). Japan is one of the few who have not adopted it yet because of its well developed economy with rather stable inflation rate. UK inflation is therefore currently more stable in comparison with the past performance. UK quit ERM in 1992 due to rising tension between having to follow a tight policy framework in order to maintain existing exchange rate and the other option of having to cut the domestic downfall by taking down interest rates it (Richard 2005). ... With such big concern about inflation and well versed with knowledge of the trade-off between output and the inflation, the policy maker will then fix interest rates through adjustments informed by the knowledge on relative demand to supply and inflation. The central bank then set in the money markets the nominal interest rate and since prices of goods are somehow rigid then there will be movements around the real rate that always stand in absence of such moves by the central bank (Mervyn 2005). Due to these sticky prices, if a crisis hit the economy, it slips inflation away from the target and central bank can not quickly take it back to the track instead it has to take the longer old route by factoring in the monetary policy on what is the most. This older route will include having to factor in the bigger things that include having to go over the expected demands and supply and he pressure it will have on one another, that is to say the productive capacity of the economy and its co st implication as well as whether the economy is still on the track in relative to the expected inflation (Paul 1998). After all that considerations the central bank will then design a way to bring quickly inflation back to target with consideration of the impact it will have on the output. It will then have to decide on whether to aggregate demand should be stimulated or not and whether to be neutral. With all that there are unobservable effects of inflation on unemployment which it raises, the interest rates and growth of the economy through supply. The monetary policy committee (MPC) targets inflation by setting interest rates. When a shock hit the economy the committee action is not felt immediately. The results of adjustments in interest rates could yield tangible results after even

Monday, October 28, 2019

Sex difference and mathematical reasoning Essay Example for Free

Sex difference and mathematical reasoning Essay The main aim of the study was to determine whether mathematical reasoning is influence by sex of a person due to inconsiderate admission criteria that was adopted in United States for awarding scholarships to students irrespective of sex. In order to achieve this, the study selected sample population from both genders for students who were 13 years and above. The study was a result of the argument that males tend to dominate in mathematical aptitude test, which was evidenced by John Hopkins talent search in 1971 to 1979. Hence, Benbow and Stanley had to carry out this study to prove whether the argument was true and whether there was link between sex and ability to have good mathematical reasoning. Benbow and Stanley in this study investigated sex difference at the high level possible of the mathematical reasoning ability. The study was started by first identifying two groups of students who had the best mathematical reasoning from various mathematical aptitude test that they had taken. The study adopted two procedures where the first one involved identification and selection of students who took part in John Hopkins talent searches campaign from 1980 to 1982 (Benbow, Stanley, 1983). The students who were found to have the highest intellectual ability and below 13 years were given college Scholarship aptitude test, (SAT) to determine their mathematical reasoning. Consequently, the second procedure involved conducting nation-wide talent search and selecting those students who were below 13 years and were willing to take SAT. The results of this study indicated that students who were 13 years of age and below had high mathematical reasoning as evidenced by high scores in SAT, the mathematical part of the test. In addition, the results found that males scored far much high compared to females and thus support the prediction of the study that sex difference play important part in mathematical reasoning for children below 13 years. The evidence from the study indicated that those who scored 400 marks in SAT, males were more than female in the ratio of 1.51:1 and those who scored 600 marks or more the boys to girsl ration was 4.1:1, which showed that males had better mathematical reasoning compared to girls at the age of 13 (Benbow, Stanley, 1983). Consequently, nationwide talent search had the similar results with boy to girls’ ratio increasing to 12.6:1 for those that score 700 marks or more. The significance level Null distribution is the study probability distribution when null hypothesis is considered and regarded to be true. This means that null hypothesis it proved using null distributions. In this case, the alternative hypothesis is rejected. However, where the study does not support the null hypothesis, the said concludes by rejecting the null hypothesis at a given level of significance. Therefore, 0.05 significance means that the null hypothesis was rejected at 95% level of significance. The standard deviation error helps to determine the level of unbiased data and results of a given study and thus it becomes very important in any study. In this study, the standard error was important to determine the level of errors and thus improve the level of data reliability. Similarly, the confidence interval is used as the measure of reliability of the estimates obtained in the study. This helps to indentify if the data is misleading or within the significance level. References Benbow, C. P., Stanley, J. C. (1983). Sex differences in mathematical reasoning ability: More facts.  Science,  222(4627), 1029-1031. Source document

Saturday, October 26, 2019

School Vouchers Essay -- Education

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Imagine going to school and finding half of your friends are moving to different schools because they have qualified for a school voucher. It’s difficult to see them go because you have known them all your life. It’s also difficult to watch them attend the school which everyone knows in your community is known to better than the one you are currently attending. Questions are also brought up to your mind with school vouchers. Students who don’t qualify may ask themselves am I put into a disadvantage because my friends are attending a school, which is known to better than mine? Did my friends choose to attend this school or were there parents up to it? These questions can cause a dilemma to the students and their families. There are many advantages to school vouchers, however there are also disadvantages. Knowing both sides can lead you to your view of the school voucher.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  One of the advantages is more competition between schools. If the whole country is involved with the voucher system, the schools will somewhat compete for funding. For example if a school loses enough students that school will also end up losing their funding. Forcing that school to reexamine their practices to provide better teaching procedures. With the voucher system schools with â€Å"common† segregation will somewhat be decreased. Private schools with a common Caucasian population will receive a higher enrollment of minorities. The school voucher system gives all students equal opportunity. For the...

Thursday, October 24, 2019

America’s Change in Industry and Technology in the Early 1800s Essay

America’s ideas and beliefs have been changing over centuries of mistakes and experiments. This is the way that we formed our own government, made the right choices in subsequent decisions, and how we exhibit what kind of country we are to the rest of the world. Our nation evolved more quickly following several inventions that may seem simple or obvious in retrospect. One of America’s biggest eras of change was in the early 1800s. Jobs were moving from farms to factories. Transportation was turning certain cities into hubs of industry. The dependence on slaves was increasing on the Southern plantations. During the early 1800s, new technology and industrial methods changed the way people in America made a living. Key inventions that impacted American industry included factory production and Eli Whitney’s concept of interchangeable parts. These innovations led to mass production of manufactured items. Machine-made components, unlike parts that had been crafted individually, could replace each other in a product. Even unskilled workers could make these parts. Because of this, products became more plentiful, less expensive, and easier to repair. Cloth also became a mass-produced commodity. The thread-spinning water frame and the cloth-weaving power loom were invented at a time that people were giving up on farming the poor soil of the Northeast. In addition, steam engines and water mills increased production and decreased cost of the factories that employed townsfolk and financed cities. All of these beneficial results made manufacturing more lucrative than working on a farm. The abundance of products being made during this era called for a more efficient method of distribution. American cities developed as centers for manufacture and trade. New roads and a system of canals were built to carry the products to distant markets. Steam engine locomotives also became an important means of transportation for goods and people. Industry and housing for its workers were built around the ports and train stops. America’s expansion of transit helped cities develop as economic centers. Once the factory system became the successful business model, city life became the norm. People started to work in the artificial environment dictated by their tasks. Most people no longer woke up to the sound of the rooster signaling them to milk the cow and collect the eggs. Instead, they worked set hours in a factory, earning a regular income. However, large factories and shipping companies needed more than just manual labor. They also employed foremen, supervisors, and watchmen to keep the business secure. As a result of this division of labor, people could work more efficiently. Not every innovation was benign. Eli Whitney’s invention of the cotton gin (short for engine), which prepared cotton faster and more efficiently than by manual means, made selling cotton to the textile factories in New England even more profitable, but at a cost. Unfortunately, the increased demand for cotton by Northern factories escalated the need for slaves in the South to pick and supply larger quantities of raw materials. A negative result of the invention of the cotton gin and its role in the Industrial Revolution was that in just twenty years, the slave population rose from 697,897 to 1.2 million. Slaves and their sympathizers were hurt and upset by this growing injustice. From the start of the Industrial Revolution, new methods of production changed the jobs, income, and environment of the average American worker. Interchangeable parts, steam power, and the factory system increased production, decreased cost, and stimulated the growth of cities and transportation. America developed cities full of workers and transportation routes loaded with products. Manufacturing supported the Northern economy, while the South was still reliant on slave labor. Life in America changed greatly in the early 1800s with the country’s advancement from farming and simple trade to a modern, consumer-based economy.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Marriage Is Important in Turkey Essay

I cannot imagine a Turkey without marriage. Marriage in literal meaning the contract made by a man and woman to live as husband and wife but in religious meaning Marriage is valued as a sacrament because the couple is keeping each other’s merits intact by committing themselves and by committing to God that they both will keep God’s word. Islamic belief, having a family and sexuality are some of the reasons why marriage is important. Marriage is a crucial part of a Turkish Muslim’s life because God ordered us to get married and the prophet Muhammad (s.a.v.) said that person who acquires the means to marry and does not marry then he is not from amongst us. The scholars of Islam have asserted that when God states an order in the Quran, this order becomes compulsory on man so marriage is an obligatory behaviour. Islam gives the right to a woman to be a wife of a man. This is a big distinctness because in these days a man is not guilty if he has relationships with a w oman outside of marriage but the moment he contracts to treat this woman equally as his wife, he is charged with illegal behaviour. Marriage is the foundation for a family in Turkey. If one wants children he/she should get married because children need role-models in their lives. Having a mother and father in the home can provide children with a male and female role model. Children need both parents because each parent provides a unique role to the child. There are certain qualities that a mother possesses that cannot be offered by the father. Where families are broken young people do not receive the support they need. Nowadays fornication is considered to be something which one should feel proud of with a ‘the more the better’ motto. Many teenagers are led into this behaviour and then suffer the consequences when they are left to look after the child and struggle through the financial problems. The circumstances of fornication in society can create an unfortunate and challenging upbringing. Fornication plays an extremely important part in the fall of society. What makes it worse is that today’s society has considered it to be a small matter. In fact in modern society, fornication is not even considered wrong but marriage reduces the possibility of it because the sexual intercourse between husband and wife is not considered as an immoral behaviour in society of Turkey. To sum up, According to Islam marriage is compulsory and God stated in Quran that wed the single among you and we can see from this verse that the Creator of mankind has ordered us to marry. Marriage is a crucial factor in the proper upbringing of children. This is because children without one of their parents are much more likely to commit crimes and they become a nuisance to the cities they live in. Marriage plays a big part in preventing one from fornication and decreases the numbers of adulterines.